India’s Purest Customized Hair Care Range

We’ve all heard the phrase, “aging like wine fine,” and while we all wish we aged like a smooth, full-bodied bottle of red, there’s a lot that we encounter in day-to-day modern lifestyles that hinders graceful aging. We can take most things in our stride, but thinning out of your once-lustrous crowning glory or losing your shiny strands always hurts a bit extra. 

Another commonly used phrase: prevention is better than cure. You could have started noticing signs of hair and/or scalp damage, or you could simply err on the side of caution, but when it comes to hair-care, it’s never too early to start! The harmful effects of your long-standing chemical-based shampoo could start showing up only years after consistent usage, or rising levels of pollution could finally catch up with you.

There are several steps you can take towards better hair health, like undergoing treatments, adding different products to your hair care routine, or simply switching to the “no-poo” method. You can also let nature work its magic by making the switch to completely natural hair care, devoid of any chemicals or derivatives. 

Enter: Zemé Fresh, an Indian natural hair care brand with a range of pure products to suit each hair type and all hair problems. 

Natural Hair Care Products: Our Products

Our range of natural products include hair cleansers, hair conditioner, scalp massaging oil, styling gel, leave-in serum, and hair mask. All our natural hair care products are made fresh in our kitchen, using traditional Indian herbs and pure, whole ingredients: no extracts, preservatives, chemicals, or stabilizers whatsoever. Made with ingredients like bhringraj, neem, amla, aloe vera, and flax seeds, to name a few, our products are so fresh that they need to be refrigerated when not in use! Unlike commercial hair products that use chemicals to increase their shelf lives, our hair care range contains no added chemicals, making it amongst the purest hair care brands in India. 

Natural Hair Care Remedies: Custom-Made Pure Solutions

At Zemé Fresh, we realize that everyone’s hair is different; our team of experts can guide you on how to maintain healthy hair with a customized hair regime based on what YOUR hair needs. A natural hair care routine could improve the quality of your hair, help reverse problems like greying and thinning, and could aid with dryness, split ends, and dull hair. Just take our quiz or tell us which hair problem you’re encountering, and our hair experts will customize your Zemé hair products based on the hair problems that you face, with instructions on when to use the product, how much to use, and when to restock. With seamless deliveries and convenient packaging, our subscription plans make it easy for anyone to switch to natural hair care products in Mumbai. 

Want good hair days for days? Join our ever-growing community of hair care enthusiasts for natural hair care tips, tricks, and more. If you’re ready to take the next step towards better, healthier hair, order our pure products on WhatsApp or at our website. 

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